Saturday, December 31, 2011

"Coming Home." by Aksel Stasny

Coming Home. from Aksel Stasny on Vimeo.

Coming Home.
a film by Aksel Stasny

"A forgotten father returns to his past home to pressure his only daughter into forgiving him."


director AKSEL STASNY 
written by TEACE SNYDER
cinematography ALANNA GLADSTONE
special thanks to VOJTECH JASNY

Production Notes:
Location is set in Scarsdale, Upstate New York
We shot on the Panasonic HVX 200, exclusively with available light.

Thursday, December 29, 2011

"7am" by Federica Gianni

7AM from Federica Gianni on Vimeo.

7AM was shot to participate in the film contest 'My Daily Magic' presented by Porsche and was selected as a finalist.

Dir. Federica Gianni

DP. Zach Galler

Edit. Mike Mazzotta

Sunday, December 11, 2011

Friday, October 7, 2011

"EUSEBIO S.p.A || COMPANY PROMO" by Federica Gianni

EUSEBIO S.p.A || COMPANY PROMO from Federica Gianni on Vimeo.

Eusebio S.p.A is a roman company that works in development and management of real estate assets.

Dir. Federica Gianni

Ed. Mike Mazzotta

Saturday, July 16, 2011

Protip: Always have a spare Macbook Power Supply. I leave one on my desk, and one in my laptop bag. Then, I never have a chance to forget it.

Thursday, July 7, 2011

Avid vs. Apple - got Final Cut? (from GCN)

Hmmm. . . this is a neat Op-Ed. . . and also a test to see how Sharing from Google Reader works!  NEAT!!!

Tuesday, July 5, 2011

All good things. . .

EDIT: Nevermind. . . I'm back.

So. . . I've decided to abandon this blogging platform, for greener pastures. . . Mostly.

I've ported this blog over to TUMBLR. . . you can find it here:

I'll leave this up as an archive, but in the meantime. . . head over to Tumblr, and follow me!


ps. I know that I'll be eventually porting all the content generated in Tumblr to another blog platform someday. . . and I'm kinda looking forward to it. I think being able to port ancient blog posts over, with augmented tags, is kinda neat!!


In case you were wondering, FCPX Sucks.

I think this sums it up pretty well: 

That is all.


Thursday, April 21, 2011

Sunday, March 27, 2011


Today Federica Gianni's short 'Change Me to Me' Screened at The Boston Underground Film Festival!!!! SHIT YEAH!!

Here's a link (for posterity) to the program:

Looking back at all the old stuff. . .

Man. . . I was just looking back at some of my backups from when I was a student at THE NEW YORK FILM ACADEMY a couple of years ago (2007, to be exact). . .

And here's an interesting story about a film that I want to redo/recut/recapture. . .

I had just watched the 'LYNCH' documentary at The IFC Center (formerly the Waverly, I guess), and was feeling pretty stoked on making movies. . . and as I stepped out the door on my way to the train, the ENTIRE script for Eugene and the Neighbor popped into my head, fully formed.

It was pretty exciting. . . I couldn't believe it. . . it just kinda HAPPENED. . . which was awesome. We shot it as a school project, had some problems with production, had MORE problems with post. .. and it was pretty much all my fault. . . I didn't really take it as seriously as I should have (ya know, being a student and all).

But the long and short of it is ideas can hit you ANYWHERE. . . and the 60 feet from the Theater to the train was just enough time for me to come up with a complete script, from start to finish.

Go figure.


Thursday, March 24, 2011

The Basics of Video Editing Part III & IV

Lightworks is both OUT and READY FOR PRIMETIME

There's a review of the new Lightworks over at Lifehacker, and it's pretty glowing. From the article:

If you're looking for capable video editing software on a budget (or not), Lightworks is definitely worth checking out (if you're a windows user, at least).

Also, on their website, they claim Stereoscopic support. . . I obviously haven't had a chance to try it, but here's what the site says:

Lightworks introduced the stereo video track to automatically sync left and right eye media files seamlessly in the background. Edit with stereoscopic media in any supported format, without the need for new muxed files, and without the need to change your workflow.

Well, there you have it. According to Editshare's website, it's in public beta, and can be grabbed HERE(registration required).

Visualizing the XYZ Color Space

Tuesday, March 22, 2011

STORM: An Introduction

So yeah. . . STORM is the Future of RED. Don't let anyone tell you otherwise.

if you don't know what I'm talkin' about, click here.

To download the Beta, click here. (Sign In Required)

This is where I work:

Feathers from Mark L. Pederson on Vimeo.

This was shot with the RED EPIC the day I started working for Offhollywood. . . FTFW.

The Basics of Video Editing: Part II

Video Download Helper FTFW

Video Download Helper is one of those little secrets tool I keep in my SUPER-DUPER POST GUY UTILITY BELT. . . but now that the yahoos over at PVC have let the cat out of the bag, I guess I'll post about it. . .

IN A NUTSHELL: You can download 90% of the flash video content on the internet.

Get it NOW. It's the only reason I still have Firefox installed on my machine.

From PVC

Basics of Video Editing: Part 1

from Lifehacker

Videoguys NLE Storage FAQ!

This is an AWESOME (but a little dated) FAQ about storage for your NLE system. . . Definitely worth the read!! Click the image for link!!

(From PVC)


Paramount to Release film on Bittorrent! (From Slashdot)

8mm Transfer with 5D MkII Howto

I recently bought a friend of mine & her husband a 16mm Camera as a wedding present (I suck for not having sent it to you guys yet!!), and I'll be curious to see how their footage comes out after they've done something like this to transfer it on the cheap.

Here's an example of what the output looks like:

from Gizmodo

"COPY" Official Videoclip from yasudatakahiro on Vimeo.

Artist: 快速東京-KaisokuTokyo
Music: コピー-Copy

A Movie A Day - Backlog & Recap

So. . .

Yeah. I wasn't able to do a Movie A Day for a year. It was tough. . . I ended being quite busy (which, in retrospect, was a good thing.)

So. . . here's a list of movies that I never added to the list. I think I can stop posting these now. . . but suffice to say that I watch A LOT of movies. . . and whenever I find one that's worth watching, I'll post the trailer. That seems like a fair trade.

Here's a list of things I've seen recently, with Wikipedia links (click titles for link)

Blood Into Wine
Branded to Kill
The Girl Who Played With Fire
44 Inch Chest
The Lost Boys
Dhoom 2

Get Shorty
The Girl Who Kicked The Hornet's Nest
The Sting
Ghost in the Shell
Code 46

Sunday, February 6, 2011

Wednesday, February 2, 2011

Tuesday, January 18, 2011

How to Datamosh

This is AWESOME. . . Look out for it in my next whatever. . .